today is payday, people.
and i ain't talking about the kind with peanuts. kisu's first payday in months. he stopped working almost a year ago to attend classes with to get his MCSE.
he doesn't have the full MCSE yet, but he is employed in IT and that's what matters. the classes run for 6 months, but you schedule your 7 certifications independently to actually earn your alphabet soup. kisu hasn't had much time to study and test since he has been a stay-at-home dad since he stopped working.
i promised to tell about his job. he's working for an IT company locally, working on a tech support account for a major food chain. he is just finishing up 3 weeks of training, with both his actual employer and their client. they had to learn how to run the food operation front to back, so as to be better able to troubleshoot when things go wrong. their software controls everything from inventory to payroll to taking orders.
so far he is loving it, and feeling loved. the only drawback yet is that the client's training staff keep bringing in 'their' food for lunch and kisu is now mighty tired of it--not to mention off his plan. (not too far, and next week he goes back to brown bagging, so to speak.) he was told this week that he will be fast-tracked, and that made him feel even more loved.
his experience is that the company has a similar atmosphere and work/fun ethic to where i work. that is wonderful because i am so tired of him being jealous of the things we do at work. (have a sushi bar for ONE company event and you'll never hear the end of it.)
next week they go live. he's working 4 ten hour days, so he gets a 3 day weekend every week. that's one thing he can hold over me. until i tell him that his free day is gonna be spent taking care of the house.
Friday, September 28, 2007
scribbled by
Friday, September 28, 2007