things come in threes. this seems true in a lot of instances, but, alas, not for people. that is, there is only one of you, or me. and that is becoming a problem.
at some point in the past, i made it known that i would like to help teach sunday school. as the new school year is upon us, i am suddenly in high demand. no fewer than, you guessed it, 3 people have called asking me to be a part time teacher. for different segments of sunday school. don't these people talk to each other?
another example:
bug has physical therapy wednesday mornings. this is a new, hopefully short-term, arrangement. pooka has clinic on wednesdays, but only once a month. this is a long-standing arrangement, although we hope it will be ending soon. next week, kindergarten has their first field trip (the annual excursion to the apple orchard).
i'm sure you see where this is going.
all three of the above named events are converging on wednesday, 9/26. kisu is still in training and can't take any time off yet.
i can't be in three places at once. i haven't gotten approval for the cloning yet, although i submitted my application several months ago.
solution: i moved clinic to the afternoon (the field trippers return at lunchtime) and recruited poppa to take pooka. i will take bug to therapy as usual.
one crisis averted, and with none of the mess that having clones can produce, like kisu wondering which mishu he slept with last night....
Monday, September 17, 2007
me x3
scribbled by
Monday, September 17, 2007