today the girls from make-a-wish are coming over. we're so excited!
i will update later on the results of the visit, along with pictures from the progress on the murals. i did quite a bit last night .
kisu and i have changed our minds again about the flooring in pooka's new room. instead of ripping up the carpet, we are just going to get it steam cleaned. it still goes with the theme, and we can still add the character accent rugs. this might save us a little $ since we were going to have to steam clean the carpet in the nursery anyway. now that pooka is so close to moving out, i have started calling it the nursery again. maybe she will be moved in this weekend! woohoo! kisu is painting the ceiling today and we are going to try to get the cleaners in tomorrow or friday while she is at granny and poppa's. that will give us time to let the carpets dry thoroughly and move the bed back in. our living room is going to be a total disaster area for a couple days. again.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
wish wednesday
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Wednesday, March 07, 2007