we ran around gathering painting supplies today. light blue for the ceiling and a handful of acrylics for the murals. but first, the boring part: cleaning the room out and tracing the images on the walls. pooka complained about doing the prep, but i told her that it wasn't fair that i had to do all theyucky part while she got to do the fun part, and then got the added bonus of being able to live in the room with its coolness. so she relented and helped me clean. i traced a small fish first, so she could start painting while i traced the bigger images. uncle k and aunt m showed up just in time to supervise her and help paint a turtle. we did get quite a bit accomplished before we stopped for the day and got to eating. i ate so much i had to lay down for a nap when we got home.
the boys left for a tv preview thing and pooka and i started to paint a little more. i was kind of surprised at how well she did staying in the lines. a little story and then bed for pooka.
then i introduced aunt m to two of my favorite tv shows: monk and psych. the boys came home very disappointed: the shows were basically a ruse to get them to fill out marketing surveys. i'm so glad i didn't end up going. after the shows, they went to the pub to complain, and so were a little happier by the time they got home.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
let the artistry commence
scribbled by
Saturday, March 03, 2007