there is much exhaustion in the nest today. pooka is on the steroids again and, like last month, they are causing a mild allergic reaction in the form of itchy skin. this time it is so bad that it kept us all awake last night. kisu was on duty from 1100pm until about 230am during which hours, he applied lotion, tylenol, and administered a bath to soothe the itchy pooka. nothing worked. by 230, apparently my body had enough sleep to start waking up and i took over. between 230 and 330, i applied more lotion, a pair of pants to protect the skin on her legs and finally crashed into pooka's bed with her. as i suspected, the proximity of another body provided the last bit of healing that she needed and she blissfully slept until 830 this morning. i was not so blissfull, but did manage to sleep. kisu was a total zombie.
i called dr callaghan and was told to get some benadryl. pooka got another bath while i went to the drugstore. i picked up some medicine for myself, as well, since this cold seems to be getting worse before it gets any better. with benadryl dissolved in her mouth, we ate some breakfast and then retired to the big bed, whereupon all 3 of us promptly fell asleep. at 1030, we were feeling significantly better, but we have had little energy all day.
perversely, i think i am in my version of the nesting phase, so i want to do something, but my body has no strength with which to do it.
when your 5 year old says she too tired for dessert and wants to go to bed and it's not even 7pm, you know she's tired.
while we were in the big bed this morning, pooka had my pocket notebook and was pretending to make a list. she despaired that she was no good at it, though. then she asked how to spell 'could'. kisu did, then we asked why she wanted to write 'could'. she replied, "because i could."
Saturday, March 17, 2007
the itchy and scratchy kid
scribbled by
Saturday, March 17, 2007