today the people at work had a little shower party for shari and i since we are both due at the end of the month. it was organized by jenn, who is due in the beginning of june. i felt bad that we wouldn't be there for her shower, but then i realized that i possibly will return before she goes out on leave. the drawback only having one year in with the company...
i am always so reluctant to be the center of attention. i just wanted to sit there and watch shari open her gifts instead of opening mine. i feel like a huge dork showing off this stuff. shari had no such issues: she put the bumbo seat on her head and walked around. i think maybe the hormones have made her a little drunk...
at any rate, i was very thankful for the gifts; we have some amazing people at C-E. they showed that right off the bat with the outpouring of gifts and sympathy for pooka at her diagnosis, even though i had only been working there for about a month at the time. so we now have two of the few things we actually needed for this second child. we kept almost everything from pooka.
after the gifts, we got down to the serious business of eating. i can't believe how much food was put away! nice relaxing time, even though both shari and i are planning on working right up until the end. at our work, we hardly need an excuse for a party like that. i love that place.
Friday, March 2, 2007
it's raining diapers
scribbled by
Friday, March 02, 2007