i have always loved to sing. i have been in school choir since first grade.
pooka's got a love of singing, too. she even goes so far as to make up her own songs. songs about bathing, doing laundry, she even sings about going potty. (in fact, if ever she manages to actually close the bathroom door, it's guaranteed she will start singing while going potty.)
my senior year in high school and in college, i was part of select singing groups. we did mostly typical songs, but we did them well. it was a world of elation for me. being with a group of people (with whom i might not otherwise socialize) weaving harmony in the air was euphoric.
being without that magic has left a sizable hole in my heart.
i'm not me without singing. (my life's not an opera soundtrack or anything, but it's important to me. )
it is only my tremendous insecurity that has kept me from attempting to joining the church choir (they take anybody, don't they?). i have made excuses about scheduling, finding childcare, etc., but they're just platitudes meant to disguise my shyness.
well, finally i have received divine direction to get off my butt and do what i love. the church bulletin has issued a call for altos. (that'd be me.)
unfortunately, i now have a bona fide reason for not doing it: it conflicts with sunday school.
we have already discussed the issues of breaking a commitment and cloning. furthermore, sunday school has the more desperate need.
i guess i'll just have to stick it out this school year and join the choir next year.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
sing, sing a song
scribbled by
Saturday, October 06, 2007