i had set aside saturday to be a day of scrapping for pooka and i. there was an organized crop at church, but i didn't want to pay $40 for us to go and socialize. plus, i have a lot of tools at home that don't get used when i crop elsewhere. so i asked kisu to watch bug (except when i had to feed her) so pooka and i could focus.
i printed out pix for her to do 3 different layouts, but we only completed one. i tried to demonstrate a task and then let her go while i prepped a page for myself, but that didn't work as well as i'd hoped. i managed one single page 8.5 x 11 layout in the time it took to complete her two page 12x12 layout. and that took us about 2 hours. towards the end, she was obviously showing signs of fatigue. i guess i shouldn't have picked a weekend when she was on steroids.
after that layout, she wanted lunch, and after that she wanted nothing to do with scrapping. so she went off to become a tv zombie while i tried to get more done.
by then bug was up from her nap and wanted mommy. kisu was not as helpful as i think he could have been. there were things he wanted to do, too, though.
between napping and the jumparoo (and enduring her trying to eat my keyboard from my lap), i got bug entertained enough to gather materials for more pages (her album, actually) but i didn't really get to work on putting anything together until the girls went to bed.
so bug's first year album is officially underway. let's see how long it takes me to complete it. i was about this far behind on pooka's too, as i recall.
final result:
"scrapbooking day= 1 layout for pooka, 1.5 layouts for mommy"
not my most efficient outing.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
scrap that
scribbled by
Sunday, October 28, 2007