CMU is awesome. the people have been great, but the primary feeling is: "man, maybe i should have gone to a state university."
the cafeteria with the cereal bank, salad bars, juices. the activity center with 2 pools, a dozen racquetball courts, basketball, volleyball, floor hockey, pool, ping-pong, bowling!, weight room. the computer center with all the major gaming systems, several macs and pcs, 42" plasmas to watch movies. suh-weet. i guess these are the goodies you get in exchange for becoming a numbered cog in the system.
nah, i enjoyed the sense of community, the getting anywhere on campus in 5 minutes or less, the one on one relationships with professors.
anyway, the camp q stuff:
we started out friday night (after a 2.5 hour drive) with cake and ice cream made with liquid nitrogen. ultra cool. it was fairly bland, though, and melted almost immediately once the vapors disappeared.
then right off the bat we were introduced to the computer center/game room. i can't believe pooka stayed up until midnight playing weeee. i also can't believe she played before i ever did. kisu will be similarly bummed, i suppose. she was playing olympic events with some other girls, specifically swimming, when i wanted to take a turn. it's a lot harder than it looks. i actually did not do as well as she had done. maybe it's a generational thing.this morning, after waking waaay too early, we experience the cafeteria. pooka wasn't interested in the special tour of the zibiiwing native american center and i was too tired to fight her, so we just hung out in the suite until it was time to find the horse ranch. pooka was led around the corral on two separate trips and i even got a ride. we also saw the miniature horses, the goats, and the rabbits. they had a monstrous rabbit named 'moose'. i think the rabbit was as big as bug.
we ate our sack lunches and then headed back to the dorm. what had started out as a nice sunny morning turned into an overcast, windy noontime. bug fell asleep on the way back to campus and i convinced pooka to let me catch a catnap in the parking lot. finally, we got our suits and went swimming. they can raise and lower the floor of the pool!! it's normally 4 feet deep, but today it was only about 2. bug could just barely stand, but any waves made her drink, so i ended up sitting and having her stand in my lap. that worked out well until her lips were purple and we had to get out. then we moved to the not-so-hot tub until the lifeguard pointed out that kids under 6 were not allowed. bummer. by then pooka was done, so we got changed. we tried our hands at pool and ping-pong, too, before coming back for dinner.
after dinner, there was a group bowling event. i sucked bad the first game. in the 7th frame, though, i finally got used to how slippery the shoes were and i started scoring. the second game started out awesome, but they had to shut the lanes down before we could finish it. we came back to the game room for a pinata, games, and movies. and blogging. i am beat and pooka wants me to go play yahtzee. i want to play snoozeee.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Camp Q Family Weekend
scribbled by
Saturday, May 17, 2008