you know how sometimes when you look in the mirror, you suddenly see what you really look like?
not how you look with your hair styled, or with make-up (not me, anyway), but how you truly look.
did that ever scare the crap out of you?
i looked today and saw some giant gray bags under my eyes. my immediate thought was: i need more sleep.
i have been saying that for as long as i can remember. it's like my mantra, and my cause, at least in part, for everything from memory gaps to weight gain to disregarded housework.
i did some thinking and realized that, for one reason or another, it has been 7 years since i have had regular, restful sleep.
i think i had about 6 months worth while pooka was 2, but that's it. i can't imagine why, between 2 pregnancies, midnight nursing until the babies turn(ed) one, night terrors, and leukemia, i don't sleep well.
so if breaking a mirror brings 7 years bad luck, what causes 7 years of bad sleep?
oh, yeah: kids.
Friday, February 8, 2008
my recurring nightmare
scribbled by
Friday, February 08, 2008