we managed to get tickets to h*nn*h montana for pooka for christmas. we had tried for the concert in early december, but that was a fiasco.
kisu won a prize as super awesome daddy for landing 4 tix on the floor in the 30th row for the show tonight. i had invited one of pooka's friends and her mommy the first time around, so i figured i'd do the same this time. (having recently been delivered of a healthy baby, the mommy can actually attend the concert now.)
kisu was disappointed that i offered the tickets to friends because he was looking to make some big bucks reselling the two extras. yeah, 3 grand would have been nice, but i prefer having people i know with us, instead of just me, my 6 year old, and 20 thousand screaming mobbers.
pooka is thrilled, although it took a while to sink in. i put some mocked up tickets in her christmas stocking (the real deal didn't arrive until new year's eve), but she was underwhelmed. this week at school, though, she has been giddy and counting down the days.
tonight's the big night. i think i am almost as excited as she is. hey, the songs are actually pretty good, they're positive and inspirational, and she's wholesome--even if i am a little tired of hearing, "sweet niblets!" at least she's not running around with an inflated ego, enlarged liver, or a swelling stomach (yeah, i'm talking about you zac, lindsay, and jamie lynn!)
anyway, i'm sure i won't be the only parent there singing along.
Friday, January 11, 2008
best of both worlds part one: the anticipation
scribbled by
Friday, January 11, 2008