from the moment she woke up this morning, pooka was trying to run out the door to school.
"we need to go. i don't want to be late."
"i know, but you need a shower first."
"we need to go. i don't want to be late."
"i know, but you need to get dressed."
"we need to go. i don't want to be late."
"i know, but you have to brush your teeth."
"we need to go. i don't want to be late."
"i know, but i need to get the paperwork."
"we need to go. i don't want to be late."
"go to the car, i'll be there in a minute".
when we got to school, i tried to make a big deal out of it, but pooka was not interested. she didn't vocalize it, but she was basically telling me to get the hell out and stop cramping her style.
when we picked her up she was filthy and esctatic. we went immediately to dinner with granny, poppa, and aunt pami. i planned on filming her telling us about her day, but she refused to be on camera dirty. we came home, she took a bath, and promptly went to sleep. we'll have to film her recap of her second day of school tomorrow.
Monday, August 27, 2007
first day of kindergarten
scribbled by
Monday, August 27, 2007