pooka ended up coming to the kids day at work since kisu rescheduled his test. she had a blast, even though she only had a crash course in the story of the wizard of oz. she doesn't really care about the theme, anyway, just about having fun. we got airbrush tattoos, caricatures, hot dogs for lunch, and she played on the inflatable toys. she also spent a lot of time playing with the fancy bubble makers. she did NOT get her picture taken in front of the green screen for either A) the emerald city or B) the chevy music tour. she also did not get her picture taken with the tin man and dorothy. she missed out on the navy accelerator challenge course because she's too young and the inflatable wall climb because she's too short.
bug was along for the ride and seemed to enjoy it, although i think she got a little too much sun on her cheeks. everyone wanted to stop and see the baby.
we had a little too much excitement at lunch when i got a call from granny saying that she was having trouble breathing and couldn't get hold of poppa. i tried calling 911 and had a huge hassle, being in a different city. finally i got rescue dispatched. poppa called later and said that she is fine; it was an anxiety attack. whew, that had my adrenaline pumping, though.
Friday, July 20, 2007
creativity for kids
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Friday, July 20, 2007