these couches are becoming a pain in the butt. when we first received them, i signed off without inspecting, only to find that both were damaged enough to send back. customer service was fine with that and replacements were ordered.
the replacements were delivered today and this time, the guys waited while i inspected. one is fine, with just a small blemish on the leather on the back. the other has a major problem. the back supporting rail is stove in. this is unacceptable and the delivery guy signed off on the receipt acknowledging the damage.
customer service has agreed to order yet another replacement, but this is getting real old and i would like to be done with this situation. on the other hand, it's kind of like getting new furniture every 2 months.
meanwhile, the old sofa-bed is still taking up space in the living room, awaiting the arrival of some muscle-bound person to help kisu haul it downstairs. hmmm.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
batting .250
scribbled by megachick on Thursday, June 07, 2007